Training for Psychotherapists

Join me in Denmark for Shame in Psychotherapy: Bringing Theory to Life

March 19th, 2015 admin

June 25-26 2015, Aarhus, Denmark

This event is sponsored by the Danish ISTDP Society
For more information and to register:

From the Danish Society for Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) website:

Susan Warshow is known for her empathy and warm approach both as a person and in her therapeutic work. During this two-day presentation, Susan will use recorded session material to illustrate and identify verbal interventions and non-verbal interactions that effectively reduce shame in the therapeutic relationship. Learning to create secure attachment and the development of self-compassion is central to this process.

Part of the therapeutic task is mobilization of the client’s will to give careful, moment-to moment attention to his/her internal world. However, this intense internal focus frequently activates shame, guilt and anxiety alongside rising feelings. Becoming sensitive to the nuances of shame helps the client move past this paralyzing force to new levels of emotional freedom. As the unconscious becomes conscious through an experiential process, it becomes possible for the client to integrate past experience in new ways, leading to changes in behavior and the development of more secure, fulfilling attachment relationships.